Full disclaimer since my last post, I did not succeed at my internet cleanse. I didn't even make it through a day. I'm not sure what to say ... for now, I am giving it a "get out of jail free" card. Things I am doing: cutting back on Facebook. Listening to more podcasts. Working on tasks around the house. I also found a show to watch (which I found very difficult to do for this unfocussed mama). I hope that as the weather improves, I will be spending more and more time outside, and less inside. For me, the biggest thing is mindless wandering on social media. I want and need to be more mindful and purposeful with my time.
Speaking of time outdoors, we are taking up the March challenge of being intentional with spending time outdoors (the challenge is from The Slow Home Podcast). After recently listening to their podcast about this outdoor challenge, I just knew that this is something that we have being missing in a great way, from our lives.
I'm not sure how, why or when I let this priority go to the bottom of the list, but I know that our bodies, minds and souls are missing the benefits of being outdoors. Perhaps it was the busyness of after school activities, or just pure laziness, it reall
I have plans to find some new hikes and trails - things can get monotonous when we do the same trail over and over again. I'm looking at ways of getting the kids outdoors - fairy houses, parks, picnics.
If you are interested in this challenge, I highly recommend listening to the Slow Home Podcast. It really is a lovely little show- regardless of whether you want to follow the challenge or not.
And onto another challenge, Winslow and I have made a pact to start eating clean. We looked around at all the diets out there, and there are many. Vegan, vegetarian, keto, paleo .... and for us, we know what will and won't work. For years (10plus), I was vegetarian, and as much as I tried to get my protein intake-it wreaked havoc on my body and depleted me of nutrients that I know I best get from a diet with animal protein. So while I love the idea of being vegetarian for so many reasons, it just doesn't work well for me.
I feel that for the most part, we eat well and healthy, but we do have our weaknesses, and unfortunately, we've let these weaknesses take over. For me, it's sugar sugar sugar. It's baked goods, muffins, treats. For hubby- although it's not exactly mine to share- he loves white carbs, and lot's of them. So there it is. Our weaknesses are out on the line.
For us, clean eating is the most realistic and attainable diet out there. Instead of denying ourselves of things that we love, we are just choosing the most natural and clean version of it. I'll keep you posted on how it goes, and how I hope to get my kids off processed foods too.
Recently we made a last minute trip to Ottawa, to say farewell to Winslow's Grandmother- Lola.
It was so important and nice for us to be there, so that we could pay our respects and honour her. Lola will always be remembered as being someone who cared deeply for her family. She was a woman of great faith, and I have no doubt, that she has moved on to a very peaceful place, with her loved ones that had gone before her. We will always miss and love you Lola.
I feel that for the most part, we eat well and healthy, but we do have our weaknesses, and unfortunately, we've let these weaknesses take over. For me, it's sugar sugar sugar. It's baked goods, muffins, treats. For hubby- although it's not exactly mine to share- he loves white carbs, and lot's of them. So there it is. Our weaknesses are out on the line.
For us, clean eating is the most realistic and attainable diet out there. Instead of denying ourselves of things that we love, we are just choosing the most natural and clean version of it. I'll keep you posted on how it goes, and how I hope to get my kids off processed foods too.
Recently we made a last minute trip to Ottawa, to say farewell to Winslow's Grandmother- Lola.
It was so important and nice for us to be there, so that we could pay our respects and honour her. Lola will always be remembered as being someone who cared deeply for her family. She was a woman of great faith, and I have no doubt, that she has moved on to a very peaceful place, with her loved ones that had gone before her. We will always miss and love you Lola.
(Inang holding baby Katia, Lola on the right)
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