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Monday, February 10, 2014

mitten making

The other night, people in the community were treated to a mitten making workshop that was held by the White River First Nation. Marilyn, a WRFN elder, taught the workshop to us, and we all cut and sewed away as we listened to her stories about the traditional ways of her people. It was one of the moments where I felt blessed, thankful and privileged to be living in the North, and to be learning about the culture of the people that are indigenous to this land. 
Marilyn's stories will stay with me, long after we leave this beautiful community in the Yukon. I will always be grateful for these opportunities in which I get to learn a little bit more. 
ps. I still have to finish mine off, I'm thinking in the car on the way to Anchorage next week. 


  1. how wonderful! my best friend, whom i have never met in person. lives in powell river BC on a reservation. he has taught me so much about the coast salish people and i am always honored to know him.

  2. What a wonderful experience. Crafting and storytelling - two things that women have been doing for centuries.


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