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Friday, September 24, 2010

looking out my window

Oh my goodness. Yesterday, on the first official day of autumn, we woke up to white white snow covering the entire neighbourhood and the mountains beyond. All the roof tops were covered, all the yards were pure white, it was quite the scene to see! Hardly autumn I say...more like a winter wonderland!
And then this morning as I made my way upstairs (our house has the bedrooms in the basement) I looked out to see even more snow coming down. Now as I look outside all I can see is more of the white stuff. The trees are heavy with snow and the mountains out yonder are covered in a blanket of white.
Back in Ontario, the earliest that we see snow is usually Halloween. And usually that is just a very light light sprinkling that melts away over night, if that. Sometimes if it is cold in Ontario at Halloween then there is the question as to whether trick or treaters will have to where their snow suits under their costumes. Well there will be no second guessing that one here, Noah will for sure be wearing his snow suit under his costume this year.
So happy Friday dear friends. Tomorrow is my birthday and I turn the big 29! I've never had snow for my birthday but there's always a time for firsts isn't there?
My plans for my birthday include taking myself and Noah out for breakfast (Winslow will be sleeping after his night shift tonight), taking Noah to his swimming class and then having some of our friends over for an Indian food potluck...yum!
Hope you have a fantabulous weekend dear friends. Oh and did you know that I share a birthday with Marta from Marta Writes? I think that makes my love for her that much more special. Oh and also I share a birthday with Will Smith, my childhood crush. Just thought I'd share that with you.


  1. Hey friend!! What a lovely view!!! Hope all is lovely!! From one photographer to another ... I love your photos! XO

  2. Happy, happy birthday to you! May 29 be filled with all good things!
    And, SNOW! Wow!

  3. Happy birthday!
    Have a great day tomorrow and may the year ahead bring many blessings :)
    Looking forward to some great snow photos in coming months.


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