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Friday, September 3, 2010

exactly where I want to be

Lately I've been reflecting on what I want to be when I grow up, you know that old joke. But really, I've been giving it some serious thought and have been playing around with the idea of returning to some kind of work. The thought of going back to work and working outside of the home has been on my mind but I keep coming back to the issue that for me, I'm just not ready to put Noah in daycare. I always said that if we could swing it that I would like to stay at home with our children during their formative years so that I could be the one to provide them with their early education.
So it looks like for now I will be able to stay at home with Noah and all will be good...or will it?
You see, as much as I love staying at home with my beautiful boy, I also have a need and desire to contribute something to the world other than raising my children (which for the record I think is a very important thing to do). Deep down in my heart I know that on top of being a mother and a wife and a friend and a sister, on top of all that, I am an artist and an artist I shall always be.
But the good thing about being an artist is that it doesn't tear me away from being a parent and it doesn't divide me from what I love most (spending time with my family). Actually it does quite the opposite. Being an artist, making art and taking photographs actually makes me a better parent and spouse because it allows me to express myself and fill that inherent need that I have to create things. It makes me happy and makes me feel at peace and that can only bring goodness to the relationships that I have in my life.
And so, I have come to the conclusion lately that right now I am exactly where I want to be and doing exactly what I want to be doing in my life and that because I am in this very fortunate situation, I am very blessed person.
Above I have included a photo of a painting that I am working on for one of the Christmas art shows that I hope to participate in. I'm really excited to have this to look forward to and can't wait to share more of the details with you as the dates approach.
Hope you are having an amazing weekend dear friends.


  1. Oh Johanna, I feel the same way... right now we are in the midst of settling, but I am excited for this next step with everyone!
    I look forward to seeing more paintings! I love them!

  2. Love the painting. Maybe you could do an art class part time. Or even some sort of online blog art class. I'd take it :)

  3. Your paintings are so beautiful and I hope you never stop <3

    And I can completely understand the desire to do MORE. It's not without guilt, I suppose, like many choices as a mother. But I think you're finding a balance.

    So am I.

  4. I understand completely, Johanna.
    Do you know the blogger MayaMade? I think she is a wonderful example of a mother who combines art and raising her children.
    You truly are a wonderful artist, and it would be a shame if the world wasn't enriched with your creations.
    I know you will find your way!

    xoxo dawn

    p.s. that pie in your blog header looks sooooo delicious!!!

  5. Johanna, I'm familiar with this dilemma as well! it's hard to balance work and family that's for sure. I'm just getting back into my collections and finally trying to keep up with my blog! I'm excited to see what you come up with for the craft show. Miss you lots!


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