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Saturday, August 21, 2010

happy weekending

Happy weekending dear friends.
Lately, I've been trying to get out for a walk everyday. The weather here is just perfect for walks, the temperature is starting to cool down and makes for the perfect condition. I've been noticing that the leaves are starting to change colour, which means that fall is just around the corner-my favourite season of the year!
The last picture is of a lookout just a few minutes from my house. It takes my breath away every time I go there. For now I have been enjoying the view from afar, as the path takes you very close to the cliff's edge. I am terribly afraid of heights but would really like to take a walk along that path sometime.
I hope you are having a lovely weekend. Are you seeing any signs of fall lately?


  1. Today has been sunny with a fresh wind. I've spent a lot of time washing winter woollies! They're all dry and folded ready to put away. In my part of the world I'm eagerly anticipating spring :)
    Your photos are beautiful Johanna. I love the dew drop sparkle on one of the berries in the third picture.

  2. not quite ready for fall yet, but it is my favourite time of year! ♥♥

  3. no signs of fall yet, but i adore these photos.

  4. Wow, you live in the most beautiful area!
    So happy for you.


  5. These photos are absolutely gorgeous.


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