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Tuesday, October 18, 2016

beyond words and pictures

When I was a little girl, one of my most favourite things to do was to go for a hike in the Gatineaus during the Fall. Each year, for my birthday party, I would ask that we all drive up to the Gatineaus and go for a hike. I remember then, just as I do now, being so at peace and at home, amongst the bright and firey maples, the soft scented pines, and the babbling brooks. I loved to be immersed in Fall!
The one issue I had with these special hikes, were just how infrequent they were (only on weekends, my parents worked during the week), and how far the Gatineaus were. The drive was upwards of an hour. If I had my way, I bet I would've gone daily if I could.
Now, fast forward nearly 25 years, and here I am, in likely, the most beautiful spot in the country to celebrate and experience Fall.
I've tried to write about just how spectacular Fall is here in the Valley, but I feel my words fall short in doing it justice. I've also tried taking pictures, to capture the colours and bounty, but even my pictures don't amount to the real beauty. Instead I just walk and breathe, and let myself experience it.
Last week, after the kids got home from school, I decided that we all needed to take a walk in the woods. I wanted to take them far, not just the trail that backs our subdivision, but really deep into the woods. I was worried that they would get tired and bored, but we all just kept going ... with the hope of discovering something special.
Katia found a great walking stick, Noah and his friend who came along, threw rocks and picked up sticks... and then we all stopped.
Shhhhhhhh, you guys, look! There, up in the tree. Hold still guys, it's an owl.
And there it was. A beautiful Barred Owl, just starring down at us, following us with it's head.
We all stood there, just watching, knowing that this was special and that we were in the right place at the right time.
The Fall has brought such lovely memories for us all. My birthday (we went to see Beauty and the Beast), a big trip to the Yukon for Wesley and I, family visiting for Thanksgiving, Autumn excursions to apple orchards and corn mazes, and many beautiful Fall photo sessions.
It's a busy time, and I don't always make writing a priority. Instead, I am focusing on being present and enjoying the moments as they come.
Some pictures from Thanksgiving and the Yukon.

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