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Wednesday, August 19, 2015

now we are six

Now We Are Six

When I was one, 
I had just begun. 
When I was two, 
I was nearly new. 
When I was three, 
I was hardly me. 
When I was four, 
I was not much more. 
When I was five, 
I was just alive. 
But now I am six,
I'm as clever as clever. 
So I think I'll be six, 
now and forever. 

A.A. Milne

My boy, you are six today, and we couldn't be more happy and excited to celebrate this special day with you! Today you want breakfast in bed (cinnamon buns please), a treasure hunt to find your birthday gifts, sushi for dinner and an ice cream cake. Your big gift from us to you, will be your very own pet fish, which will be kept in your own room! Only a big guy can handle that responsibility.
Noah, your Daddy and I are so so proud of you. You are a wise little boy, and you teach us many lessons everyday.
Your gentle and patient ways with your sister (and other little ones), reminds us to be kinder, slower and more patient with other. The way you meticulously work on your lego, or drawings, or any special project, reminds us to pay attention to the details of things and to use our creativity more freely. The way you show unconditional love to your pets The way you run, bike and play with such gusto, reminds us to get up and go for it! Be physical, move!
Happy happy happy birthday Noah. May this year bring you new adventures, happiness, joy, and may you continue to learn and grow every day!


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