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Wednesday, April 2, 2014


strange tracks in the snow... they must be troll tracks!

is this a troll home in this tree? We investigated 


We are coming to the end of our annual Ottawa visit, and I am now at the point where I try to cram in those last minute activities, visits and shopping trips. Our time here has been interesting but much needed ,and I think it is safe to say that we are all very eager to get back home to Winslow and our house.
While here in Ottawa:
~ we had the chance to see lots of family (some from far away - PEI+NWT)
~ we had a nasty head cold and then an even nastier stomach flu
~ we've been to museums, swimming pools, giant indoor playgrounds, sugar shacks, nature walks at the bog, and the movies (well at least Noah went to the movies).
~ and we've eaten our fair share of yummy food!
Our time here has given me the chance to reflect on some pretty serious issues that pertain to life. Things like happiness and where do I see our family after we leave Beaver Creek, friendships and relationships and marriage.
And while I have enjoyed the cafes and yummy eats, the seeing of family and the easiness of popping over to friend's houses, I really do miss home and feel ready to head back to the North, where we have a slower and more simple life.
Here are a few pictures of us at Mer Bleue Bog. A favourite spot we frequent when we are in Ottawa but need a quick and easy dose of the outdoors. We had a beautiful sunny warm day, where we ate our lunch outdoors, looked for trolls and troll houses and saw a real porcupine. I love that this  "city girl gone country" feels more at ease in the outdoors... and so do the kids!


  1. Oh this post made me homesick for Ottawa!

  2. I really like the first picture - captures that it is still pretty wintry up there! Pretty cool seeing a porcupine! And as wonderful as it is to visit family and a fun place, it is always nice to be home.

  3. I'm another city girl who has now lived in the country for 4 years (3.5 in a town of 500, now in "the big city" at 4500 people), and I love it! I'm looking forward to hearing about the rest of your time in Beaver Creek and what the future holds for your family.

  4. Currently about 2 hours north of Jasper Alberta. We've lived in central Alberta and southern Saskatchewan in villages/hamlets. I have to say that I now appreciate a grocery store like no one else, now that we live somewhere with one after having lived without for so long!

    1. T, are you a "red coat" wife ;)

    2. No I'm not. We have been moving due to my husband being transferred. This is the nature of his job, when you first start you get transferred a lot (so far 4 places in 7 years, we're hoping to be settled here for a while though)! I love reading blogs written by RCMP wives as there are so few people who understand relocating frequently, and to places that you don't always want to go.


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