Happy weekend friends. I hope yours is one that is relaxing and fulfilling.
This evening I have been feeling some major contractions going on ... could this be the beginning of labour or will it be a false alarm? Only time can tell, but I'll be sure to let you know either way.
If I'm not in labour this weekend then I have plans to attend a craft show (the first one of the season for me!), have coffee with my girlfriends, sew, bake some ginger bread (because tis' the season) and go for some walks. Oh and If I'm feeling up for it I'll also do my best to attend church on Sunday.
Enjoy your Saturday and Sunday!
ps. have I shown you that "this is the life" sign before? I got it this past summer at LL Bean Home when we were in Maine. It was one of my souvenirs from our summer trip down East. It now hangs in our kitchen and covers our thermostat. I quite like it.
I love your "this is the life"! xo