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Monday, July 25, 2011

weekend recap

Happy Monday dear friends!
I hope that you had a great weekend and that you are feeling refreshed and ready to hit the week.
This weekend I felt a strong urge to have my little family reconnect. Lately it seems that I've been quite busy with photo sessions and spending time with Noah, and that Winslow has been busy with taking overtime shifts and working in the backyard on his clubhouse...errr...I mean shed (the thing is HUGE!). Anyways, I just felt that we needed to get back to having fun together and so on Saturday we set off for a "take out" picnic lunch at the beach. It wasn't glamourous, let me tell you, but it was quick and spontaneous and nice. We went to a near by lake and ate our takeout, me a breakfast sandwich and juice, Winslow some fried chicken and fries. Noah had some milk and shared a bit of both of our lunches, although he preferred the fries. We don't have french fries often and there's something about having salty fries lakeside that just seems to make it a bit better. So that's what we did. Later that day we had a dinner of bbq'd chicken and baked potatoes out on the back porch. I only wanted the baked potato and loaded it up with fried green peppers, onions, salt and pepper and a generous dollop of thick plain yoghurt. After dinner, Winslow went to work to do the night shift and I stayed up late editing photos and let's be honest...pinning. A nice day all together.
Sunday was a day to be together once again. A trip to the train museum, a train ride, a trip to the flower nursery and then errands at the grocery store. A home cooked dinner and a restful evening. It was just what I wanted and needed.
Today Winslow is off work once again and for the first time he will be able to come to the doctor's office with me for one of my prenatal appointments. He hasn't heard our little girl's heartbeat yet, although he did get to see it on the ultrasound we had at 18 weeks. It's always a joy to hear that sound. So lovely and distinct.
And that's it dear friends. I hope you have a great Monday and if it isn't so great, I hope it moves along quickly for you.


  1. i loved seeing you at farmhouse...i have missed you, my friend

    and congratualtions on the baby !!! a girl...

    makes me HAPPY to see this

    sending love,
    kary and teddy


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