Johanna (left): Today marks our last Tuesday Diptych entry. For the last year, almost on every Tuesday, Desiree and I have collaborated our photos to create a diptych and have posted them on our respective blogs. Our main objective was to let our photos and words, side by side, speak for themselves and for the most part, I think that our intentions have stayed true.
Desiree (right): It's hard to believe that this is our 52nd week of The Tuesday Diptych Project. At the beginning of this journey we decided to do "a years worth of entries", and though it took us a little longer than a year to fit in our fifty two posts, I'm sad to see it go. Looking back through our photos, I see myself growing and changing, in life, as a mother, as a partner, as a friend.
I have enjoyed seeing our images side by side, week in and week out. I consider Johanna a kindred soul-sister and this collaboration has brought us even closer. We may live at opposite ends of the country, but she's a neighbour in my heart.
My image this week comes from my garden -- last year's strawberries have sprung up beautifully. A new season, a new start.
I hope you've enjoyed this adventure with us.
I've loved the Tuesday diptych project. Thanks for sharing all your wonderful photos, both of you!