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Saturday, April 24, 2010

happy 8 months lil one!

My little man is 8 months old. How can that be? Where has the time gone? He is getting so big, his personality is changing every day and it all seems to be happening at such a quick pace. When I look at him now it's just so hard to believe that he was so teeny tiny only 8 moths ago. It feel like it was so long ago and it makes me slightly sad, well maybe not sad, but I look back on those days longingly. Don't get me wrong, I love the present too. I truly believe that each day is a gift and really, I am enjoying this stage of Noah's life so much.
And so with every month that goes by, I like to do a little post devoted to my main little man. A post that records his life changes and where he is at, at this very moment. Here it goes.....
  • the biggest thing is that Noah has sprouted two tiny teeth on the bottom, hence the photo.
  • another biggy is that he is doing better and better at being left with other people (other than me). While his Nana was here, they spent a lot of time together which was great for everyone! Nana and Noah got to spend time together and Mama loved hiving a bit of time to herself.
  • he loves being outdoors and loves playing in the grass. He loves to touch the grass and feel it in between his toes.
  • he's eating so much! He loves all kinds of foods. His favourites would be yoghurt and fruit, bananas, sweet potatoes, squash and avocado. Oh and also rice crackers.
  • he loves being around other kids. He likes his baby friends but he adores watching older's very cute....smiles all around when he sees older kids.
  • he's crawling all around the house and follows me from room to room. We often set him up on the floor in the kitchen while I am cooking with some kitchen utensils and bowls...give the kid a few measuring spoons and he's in heaven!
Happy 8 months lil' man. You are such a sweet, funny and smiley little boy. Thank you for bringing such joy and happiness to our lives.


  1. Happy 8 months Noah!! He's growing up so fast!

  2. Awwww... happy month-birthday. He's so beautiful.

  3. Wow he is growing fast! Great that you finally get more time to yourself. Very important for moms everywhere!

  4. Happy 3/4 of a year, little man!

  5. Happy 8 months little man! ^_^
    How do the robot pants fit?? :)

  6. oops! 2/3 of a year. fuzzy math.

  7. oh that crying my teeth are killing me face!! remember it well.

  8. Happy 8 Months Noah!!! I agree... when you think about it time goes so fast, but I am with you, and enjoying every moment!!!


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