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Monday, February 16, 2009

Paper Patch Work Quilt

I am so excited. I feel like a child starting their first day of school. Actually, that's a pretty accurate description of what will be happening tomorrow, minus the fact that I am no longer a child. Tomorrow is my first day as a teacher here in Hamilton. For those of you who know me I have been trying to get onto the Hamilton SB list for a very long time. I am really looking forward to be teaching art again and to the fairly simple work load that I will have.
My first assignment will be titled "Paper Patch Work Quilt". It involves the exploration of LINE, COLOUR and UNITY. I have tried this assignment before and found it to be very successful. The type of art that is created is none representational, which allows for everyone to feel comfortable and not judged on their drawing capabilities. Here are the instructions in simple form.
You will need:
  • different music to get inspired by
  • scrap paper to practice on
  • a good piece of heavy drawing paper (should be fairly absorbent) 
  • a variety of water resistant drawing materials ( oil pastels, wax crayons)
  • scissors 
  • glue
  • a ruler
  • at least 3 different colours of paint, in a container with water added to. Create a wash.
  • paint brushes
  • a piece of heavy paper that you can glue your final piece onto
1. Start off by listening to different types of music and draw as many different types of lines as you can while using a variety of different drawing materials (oil pastels, crayons, pencils). Once you feel warmed up, use a large piece of heavy drawing paper and draw as many crazy, different, beautiful lines as you can. Cover as much space as you can with lines, but be thoughtful of the marks of you are making.
2. Using a ruler, draw a grid over your entire drawing. Create squares that are approximately 6 cm by 6 cm. 
3. In small containers, mix up at least 3 different colours of paint washes. The paint should be thin enough to create a transparent mark on your paper. Cover your entire paper with the different washes. Be mindful of what colours look best next to one another. Let dry completely.
4. Cut up your squares and begin to play around with a composition. At this point, you will be trying to place all of your squares back together to resemble a Paper Patch Work Quilt. You will want to think about the concept of UNITY ( unity= is seen in a painting or drawing when all the parts equal a whole. Your work should not appear disjointed or confusing). Think about what looks good next to each other (contrasting lines and colours always look good next to each other).
5. Once you are happy with your composition, begin to glue down your pieces onto a separate piece of heavy paper. You may want to leave a border around the edge of the composition. 

So that takes care of the grade 9s. Now...what to do with the 11s?

By the way, this is the type of art project you could do for fun, at home, just for yourself. It is very easy and there is no right or wrong to it. I will attach photos of the final products once they are completed. Should be in a week or so.


  1. By the time you read this you'll have finished your 1st day. Hope it went well.

    As a side note, Heather's making a quilt as well. She finds it very relaxing and creative.

    Love Dad

  2. yay johanna! that's great news about the SB list! good luck with the quilt -- looks like a lot of fun. xo julia

  3. i want to see the final product!

  4. i want to see the final product, too!


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