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Saturday, January 28, 2012

last week in photos

Hi folks...

Just checking in. Last week was a bit of a rough week around here. Stomach bugs, the cold weather came back, and general feelings of being down...ya...not all that exciting really.
I know that it's part of living up North, but I have to say it, the winter is starting to get at me and we still have 3 more months of it. It's been too cold to get out for walks and I think it's really affecting me. I think regardless of how cold it is this week, I will just have to suck it up, put on some layers and go for a walk. I'm needing the exercise and sun.
So that's about it from here. I'm going to post some photos from the last week. My week in photos. We had one day of beautiful weather and on that day we got out and went skating.

Here's hoping that...

next week: is better
weather: warms up
happiness: can be found in the little things
I will: get outside, even if it's bitter cold

1 comment:

  1. We had the stomach thing for three weeks but it looks like we are all over it now. It's so hard to be a person, let alone a mom when you are either puking or being puked on. Hope this week is looking up!


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