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Sunday, July 31, 2011

a 23 weeks update

So this weekend lands me at the 23 week mark and let me tell you, I am definitely feeling as though I am very pregnant.
It seems that for the first couple of months during this pregnancy that I didn't have many symptoms. I had a few of the usual things, like extreme exhaustion at the beginning and aversions to smells, but that was about it and I felt pretty lucky that I got away with just those minor problems. It wasn't until about 20 weeks that I started to feel really pregnant. Lately my exhaustion has come back, my emotions have been a bit out of wack and my back, oh my back is so sore.
I'm doing my best to stay positive and be as healthy as I can, but to tell you the truth, its been hard. Maybe I'm not doing as much as I should. Maybe I should be sleeping earlier, eating better and doing less. I'm finding it hard to keep up with Noah some days and I just wish I could have a break. (* side note, I'm getting a babysitter this week and am going to get my hair done....that will be a nice break).
Things are good, but I am starting to get very eager and anxious to meet our little girl. Lately, my thoughts have been turning to how the labour will go and I'm hoping and praying that I will have an uncomplicated VBAC. I would like that so much.
I've been talking to friends and reading up on VBACs and have decided that I am going to do everything in my might to have one. Noah's birth was extremely hard on me and I ended up having an emergency c-section after 33 hrs of labour. In the end I felt very exhausted, defeated and at a loss for what had happened. This time I am preparing myself as best I can, so that I know what I can do differently. I know that I have to be prepared for a possible c-section, but I am going to think positively and focus on all the things that I can do to be prepared for a VBAC.
So these days my thoughts are on a healthy, safe and hopefully natural childbirth experience, and the thought of meeting our little girl. I've been feeling all kinds of lovely movement from her and it makes me so excited to meet her.

23 Week Update

:: How far along: 23 weeks and 1 day

:: Total weight gain:
at least 15 pounds

:: How big is baby: 11 inches and about a pound!

:: Maternity clothes:
tank tops, cardigans, maternity jeans, jewelry and scarves

:: Stretch marks: on my tummy and lots of dry skin

:: Sleep: better this week. Noah has been sleeping better and I am trying to go to bed a bit earlier/

:: Best moment this week: My 4 year anniversary with Winslow. We spent the whole day with Noah doing family things, like going to the hot springs.

:: Food cravings: sweets. baking. cakes.

:: Labour signs: None .

:: Belly button: same as always.

:: What I miss: not having back pain.

:: What I'm looking forward to: holding and cuddling our little baby girl. I can't wait to soak her is.

:: Milestone:
If she were to be born today, we would have a 85% chance of survival. We certainly don't want her to be born this early, but it's nice to know.


  1. I loved reading this update. It's so great being pregnant at the same time as you! Funny thing is, I think I was also craving a lot of sweets around that time.
    I don't know if it's popular over there in Canada, but here women start having acupuncture done at 35 weeks to prepare for birth. Both my sister in law and my husband's cousin had it done; my SIL's VBAC took 2 hours, and my husband's cousin's first labor took 6 hours. So short! So I am definitely going to be getting acupuncture done once a week beginning at 35 weeks. My Sister in law's first birth was a lot like Noah's...very long and frustrating and ending in a c-section. I hope with all of my heart that your little girl's birth will be natural...although in the end, the most important thing is of course that they arrive safely and healthy, no matter by which means.
    The scare we had really prepared me for alternative possibilities than the natural birth I have been hoping for. I realized that the most important thing to me is my baby's well-being. I am now open for a hospital birth, if that's what needs to happen.
    You are looking beautiful...such a perfectly round, lovely belly!
    Can't wait to hear more...

  2. I don't like this idea that one way is more natural then another. Drugs or no drugs, vbac or c-section, home or hospital. Of course I understand you wanting a vbac for quick recovery. But any way she comes, she'll be perfect. Don't worry about it too much because as you already know it doesn't ever go as planned lol. The best part is they all have their own unique entrance stories.

  3. Oh sweetheart. Well, you look gorgeous. My mum even said to tell you so (she's visiting, and I showed her this pic). I think her exact words were along the lines of "She's just the sweetest, most beautiful thing. And she has the cutest family." :-) As soon as my mum's out of town, I'm mailing you that hoodie :)

  4. You look lovely! I hope the rest of your pregnancy is calm & relaxing... well, as much as any can be. lol

  5. I had a VBAC with The Girl. It went without a hitch (at least as far as labor goes).

    The Boy was born at 33 weeks and was breech, hence the c-section. I was in labor for a week before he was finally born. We tried to turn him but he was a stubborn little cuss and refused to cooperate. It's amazing how at 24 weeks there is a, 85% survival rate...the advances that have been made since my preemie was born is astounding.

    You look gorgeous. Take it easy. You won't get a chance once that little sweetie is here.


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