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Sunday, August 16, 2009

tea, crumpets and a side of gratitude

It's easy to get wrapped up in a " I feel sorry for myself " attitude sometimes. This weekend has been a bit of a quiet one with hubby working and myself being a bit immobile. I am officially 5 days away from my due date and since we are pretty much alone here in Hamilton, I am not about to take off and go on any adventures by myself. So my weekend has consisted of watching one too many t.v. movies on the W network, eating, hiding from the heat, talking on the phone, taking naps, surfing the net and basically finding things to do that will keep me busy. To many people they would die to have just one day like this...a day to do nothing...but when it goes on and on like this...well I just can't help but feel a bit bored and slightly sorry for myself. Terrible!
So to get out of this funk I'm gonna list as many things as I can that I am thankful for... starting with....

  • "The Prize" many people have reminded me to keep my eye on "the prize". "The prize" being my little babe who will soon be joining us. Life is about to get very busy, so maybe I should embrace this quiet time now.
  • Phone calls with family and friends. My sisters have been calling me around the clock, just to check in. I feel lucky. And every time I call my mom she answers the phone with this semi-high pitched, slightly panicky "Helllooo???" I know she thinks I am calling to tell her that I am going into labour. I think it's sweet that every one is on standby.
  • Having a relaxing morning. Drinking tea, eating crumpets, flipping through my new magazine.
  • Having a hard working, dedicated, and sweet hubby. I love it in the morning when he comes to kiss me good bye. He always comes back again at least 3 times to kiss me and the baby belly good bye. I love watching him in the garden, working away, sweating, making our place look even better. I just love him so much.
  • Having a home of our own. I can't explain how much I adore our new home. I feel so lucky to be able to call this house our home.
  • A simple one but....Fresh Ontario peaches. Delicious and sweet. I eat them just the way they are.
  • Blog love. I'm thankful for other's blogs...they keep me entertained. I'm thankful for all you lovelies that come by here and read my ramblings and leave comments...thank you!!!
My life is blessed and I am very thankful.
How about you? What are you thankful for? Hope you are having a beautiful weekend.

1 comment:

  1. oh, boy, do i get this!! that excitement, wondering, nervousness, anxiety, waiting, apprehension to dig into something to keep you occupied in case baby decides to arrive that very moment. time takes on a weird new dimension when you're waiting for a baby. i remember with my first, i was so delusional at the end that every time the phone rang i thought it was my soon to be daughter telling me that it was time ;) i finally set up a bead factory at my dining room table to keep myself sane, even though i had never made jewelry before and i haven't made it since. something about the rote stringing of beads kept my brain quiet and from thinking too much about it.

    congratulations and good luck with your delivery! all the best :) aimee


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